Thursday, December 12, 2013

Today we will take a practice test. I will count all of this work as PROJECT GRADE

We will grade it immediately after.

While grading you need to:
  • list the SE
  • list the correct Answer for each question.
  • graph your results.

Test Questions
 All 17 questions are answered
All multiple choice answered
80% of multiple choice answered
Free response questions answered in your own words.
Free response questions original, but shared with neighbors.
Free response questions copied from internet sources.
Titled, axes are labeled, SE’s identified, and percentages are displayed in a well- proportioned bar graph
Elements from 3 missing, bar graph is oddly proportioned and does not depict the information clearly.
Sloppy, quickly, thrown together graph.
SE’s are listed as well as correct answers. Clear that answers were not changed.
Correct answers, but no SE’s
Answers were changed, scribbled or erased.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Jeopardy Review Project


Work with a partner, based on your lowest scoring SE's develop a Jeopardy review game with questions for each SE.

Your review must have:

  • Five topic SEs.
  • Five questions for each SE.
  • Be ready to play tomorrow.

You can use test questions, quiz questions, questions you find in your research.

Knowledge Gained
All students in group could easily and correctly state several facts about the topic used for the game without looking at the game.
All students in the group could easily and correctly state 1-2 facts about the topic used for the game without looking at the game.
Most students in the group could easily and correctly state 1-2 facts about the topic used for the game without looking at the game.
Several students in the group could NOT correctly state facts about the topic used for the game without looking at the game.
Accuracy of Content
All information cards made for the game are correct.
All but one of the information cards made for the game are correct.
All but two of the information cards made for the game are correct.
Several information cards made for the game are not accurate.
Cooperative work
The group worked well together with all members contributing significant amounts of quality work.
The group generally worked well together with all members contributing some quality work.
The group worked fairly well together with all members contributing some work.
The group often did not work well together and the game appeared to be the work of only 1-2 students in the group.

Here's the link to several Jeopardy PPT templates. 

This is a project grade.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

ACP Review continued...


Answer the following quiz questions on a sheet of paper.

In your folder today, I expect to see a second essay on your lowest scoring Student Expectation (SE...look at your graph inside your folder).

Just so you know, these are the people in the lead to finish all daily assignments first:

3rd - Marc, Gisela, and Liliana are tied at 8 
4th - Juan and Brenda are tied at 8
5th - Joselin is the clear leader at 9!!!
6th - Jocelyn is the leader at 7!
7th - Emily at 8!
8th - Robert, Damien, and Jason at 8...a battle for the finish.

First finishers get pie :D, and I will drop their lowest grade. Go speed racers.

Everyone check their grades, I had to put in missing grades for anyone with less than 5 assignments. I don't want you to have a false sense of where you are at on your average. You can still work on those grades, but you need to WORK not TALK.

Monday, December 2, 2013

ACP Review


Based on your graph, look up the low-scoring objective.

Look up your student expectation on the ACP Blueprint. If your lowest SE doesn't show up here, then write about the next lowest.

Start by mapping the key words for the prompt.

Write an essay, or create a graphic that answers the prompt. Be sure the SE number is in the title. Must be complete by the end of class. 

DOL: Answer five quiz questions for your low-scoring SE.