Friday, May 22, 2015

Greetings from the Class of 2015

Second Period
Remember to start your projects earlier.
Listen to everyone's idea.
Write out your votes and tally.
Pick a leader that will keep everyone on task.
Get organized.
Chase your dreams, and be a dream conqueror.
Be careful of your choices. They always have consequences. Sometimes good, sometimes bad.

Friday, May 15, 2015

Senior Gift Project

1st period garden
2nd period art in the garden
3rd period biodiversity habitat
4th period styrofoam&reusable bags
5th upcycling
Our goals today are to:

1. Evaluate our own lives here at school. Identify targets for "greening". Where can we make more sustainable choices?

2. Narrow down the list of ideas to 6 good ones.

3. Evaluate the 6 best ideas to identify one good one.

4. Generate a task list and get those tasks on the timeline.

As you move through the groups keep score on the ideas.

Is there a real need for this idea?
Can we get this done in one week?
Can we afford this project?
Will this leave a positive legacy at Adamson for the class of 2015?

 Is this sound like a fun project?

 Will you win the prize for the best project?


Projects will be judged on Friday, May 22 by a jury of teachers and administrators and be awarded points 1-10 based on:

1. Pride
2. Impact
3. Teamwork
4. Sustainability

Winning project wins the press, and a end of year celebration.
Time Management Rubric


4-Exceeds Expectations
3-Meets Expectations
2-Approaching Expectations
1-Below Expectations
Conceptualizes task on own and plans appropriate sequenced process for completion without assistance.
Conceptualizes task with help and plans appropriate sequenced process for completion with help.
Makes plans but does not always follow it. Attempts to develop appropriate process for completion.
Does not make plan or develop appropriate process for completion.
Maintains planner by self. Keeps papers well organized with efficiency.
Maintains planner with assistance. Keeps papers adequately organized.
Maintains planner. Keeps papers.
Poorly maintains planner and papers are not organized.
Work Habits
Stays on task as evidenced by academic excellence. Avoids procrastination.
Stays on task as evidenced by academic excellence. Avoids procrastination.
Needs help staying on task and maintaining academic excellence. Attempts to avoid procrastination.
Does not stay on task or maintain academic excellence. Procrastinates.
Maintains 90% attendance or better.
Maintains 90% attendance or better.
Maintains 80-89% attendance or better.
Does not maintain appropriate attendance.
Meets deadlines 90% of the time or better.
Meets deadlines 90% of the time or better.
Meets deadlines 80-89% of the time or better.
Does not meet appropriate deadlines.