Thursday, September 17, 2015

Chapter 5 Test Review

LO: We will evaluate how much energy is transferred from various trophic levels within and ecosystem.

DOL: Given 5 questions about energy transfer, I will accurately answer at least 4.

Good morning! Your test over Chapter 5 is tomorrow.

Talk to your partner about this problem.


You are burning a peanut to calculate the energy yield using a calorimeter with 50 mL of water. The temperature of that water changes from 25 °C to 31°C. What is the quantity of heat absorbed by water? (Watch your units)

use the equation: q = m x s x T

m= mass of water
s = specific heat of water = 1 cal/g °C.
T= change in Temperature

Now log on to the online textbook:

Go to the online textbook and login:

Login: sstudent5756
password: t3k2j

Use the online textbook to complete your study guide.

Don't forget to check your quizzes and active reading. If you missed one of these assignments, the opportunity to make it up is gone now. You need see me in tutoring for an alternative; be prepared to write!!

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Calorie lab

Procedure for working the post lab questions can be based on the prelab problems!

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Chapter Review with online textbook!

LO: We will analyze the earth's component spheres and the interactions between the geosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, and atmosphezzre.

DOL: Given 5 review questions for component spheres I will answer 4 correctly.

When you get your folder take out:

Quizzes and Active Reading 3.1, 3.2, 3.3

Go to the online textbook and login:

Login: sstudent5756
password: t3k2j

Use the textbook to complete the first ten questions which we will check in 15 minutes.

Tomorrow there will 30 questions worth 60 points
Two short answers worth 40 points.