Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Local Policy

LO: We will analyze local polices on an environmental issue of concern.

DOL:  Given the results of our field study, I will write conclusions which earn 3 of 4 points on the STAAR Analytic Writing Rubric

Write three questions in Cornell Notes style to answer from the guest lecturer, Chris Watts the Animal Services Commissioner for District One.

Video One
Video Two

In your conclusions include a plan of action for one issue related to animals and the environment.


Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Ride Along

LO: We will investigate the fuel efficiency of our route to school, and evaluate more fuel efficient routes.

Obtain a street or road map of the route from home to school. 

Map a shorter route. 

Calculate the miles traveled, and use this information to estimate your CO2 emission from driving to school and back each day.

Then estimate how much CO2 you could save with your alternate route.

Use your conclusions to discuss how the alternate route could benefit the environment and yourself. 

DOL: Given the results of "Ride Along" I will write conclusions which earn 3 of 4 points on the STAAR writing Rubric

Monday, May 9, 2016

What a pest

LO: We will evaluate pests and environmentally friendly ways to deal with them.

What is Colony Collapse Disorder?

Read the article and complete the Freyer Model for discussion

Research and answer the following:

How does the city of Dallas addresses the mosquito population? What pesticide is used?

Does this threaten the Bees?

Are there more environmentally friendly ways to control mosquito population? Research and note at least one.

DOL: Given the results of "What a Pest," I will write conclusions which earn 3 of 4 points on the STAAR Analytic Writing Rubric.

Write conclusions which address Dallas' mosquito control techniques. If changes are needed, how can we make that happen?


Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Reducing Your Carbon Footprint


First we retest:

go to disd.schoolnet.com 

Login with the same password you use to login to the computer. 

Select test:

"D5_Adamson SLO Post Assessment Environmental Systems Megahan Second Trial"

Online Passcode: TU4HU5M

LO: We will evaluate our personal carbon footprint.

Research and find out what the definition of  "carbon footprint" is, and write that down.

Answer the question: Why do we need to reduce our footprint?

Next, use the EPA calculator. Copy "Your Summary," and "Multiply Your Results,"  into your journal.

Compare your numbers to your neighbor. What are they doing differently? Compare and contrast your patterns of use, and write down at least two similarities and two differences.

Make a table for Pros, Cons, Solutions
  •  under pros list all the ways you are reducing your footprint.
  • under  cons list all the ways you are increasing your footprint.
  • under solutions list ways to further improve your footprint. 

In your conclusions, tell me three areas you can target for reduced CO2 emissions, and how you feel about making those changes.  

DOL: Given the results of Reducing Your Carbon Footprint

Light Pollution


LO: We will evaluate local sources of light pollution.

Read the article about light pollution:

"IDA works to combat light pollution and restore dark sky."

As you are reading, work with your table partner to write a quiz question about the article.

Class quizzes the class.

Check out the light pollution map for Dallas, Texas.

As you look at the map consider:

How are we doing in Oak Cliff? 
What are some of the sources of light pollution here?
What are the pros and cons of reducing light pollution in an urban area? 

 DOL: Given the results of  "Light Pollution," write conclusion which earn 3 of 4 points on the STARR writing rubric.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Sources of Water Pollution

LO: We will analyze sources of stormwater pollution. 


As you watch the video, fill in the information on the Freyer Model

As we make a short walk outside, note the location of storm inlets on the street. Identify sources of storm water pollution here at school.

DOL: Given the results of "Sources of Water Pollution," I will write conclusions which earn 3 of 4 points on the STARR Analytic Writing Rubric.

Friday, April 29, 2016

Test Information


Online Passcode: HA9GY6NU9 


LO: We will analyze the impact of development on local population.

DOL: Write conclusions which earn 3 of 4 points on the English III STAAR analytic writing rubric

Population Issues

Login: sstudent5756
password: t3k2j


When you are finished, watch this Ted Talks with Jason Roberts. He will be talking about the trolley project in Oak Cliff, which is the cause of all the traffic on Zang and Beckley. Also the reason the road is underconstruction on the corner of Zang and Davis.



Here's information about other building projects in our neighborhood:

Alamo Manhatten Apartment buildings


Public Art Garden