Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Reducing Your Carbon Footprint


First we retest:

go to 

Login with the same password you use to login to the computer. 

Select test:

"D5_Adamson SLO Post Assessment Environmental Systems Megahan Second Trial"

Online Passcode: TU4HU5M

LO: We will evaluate our personal carbon footprint.

Research and find out what the definition of  "carbon footprint" is, and write that down.

Answer the question: Why do we need to reduce our footprint?

Next, use the EPA calculator. Copy "Your Summary," and "Multiply Your Results,"  into your journal.

Compare your numbers to your neighbor. What are they doing differently? Compare and contrast your patterns of use, and write down at least two similarities and two differences.

Make a table for Pros, Cons, Solutions
  •  under pros list all the ways you are reducing your footprint.
  • under  cons list all the ways you are increasing your footprint.
  • under solutions list ways to further improve your footprint. 

In your conclusions, tell me three areas you can target for reduced CO2 emissions, and how you feel about making those changes.  

DOL: Given the results of Reducing Your Carbon Footprint

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