Monday, September 30, 2013

What is the law Conservation of Mass?
Matter is neither created or destroyed.
What does this have to do with Environmental Systems?
All the natural chemicals (carbon, nitrogen, phosphorous, water) on earth are continuously cycled through the biosphere via biogeochemical cycles. 
Design an experiment to test the law of conservation of mass using:

Alka seltzer tablet
a baggie
a rubber band
a beaker

You will need to write a complete lab report that includes data tables and graphs. Use the lab report rubric provided to help.

Use percent error to analyze your before and after results:

  |Expected Value - Exact Value|  
× 100%

|Exact Value|

Record the change in mass below

period 3
period 4
period 5
period 6
period 7
period 8

+ 5.4g

 -.2 g

- .2 g

 -.2 g
+4 g

-.27 g

 -1.0 g

Lab Report Rubric

Excellent (4 pts)Good (3 pts)Adequate (2 pts)Needs Work (1 pt)Not attempted (0)
Introduction1. Includes the question to be answered by the lab
2. states hypothesis that is based on research and/or sound reasoning
3. title is relevant. 
One of the "excellent" conditions is not met, two conditions metTwo of the "excellent" conditions is not met , one is metIntroduction present, no exemplary conditions metflask
MethodsDescription or step-by-step process is included, could be repeated by another scientistDescription included, some steps are vague or unclearThe description gives generalities, enough for reader to understand how the experiment was conductedWould be difficult to repeat, reader must guess at how the data was gathered or experiment conducted
Data and AnalysisResults and data are clearly recorded, organized so it is easy for the reader to see trends. All appropriate labels are includedResults are clear and labeled, trends are not obvious or there are minor errors in organizationResults are unclear, missing labels, trends are not obvious, disorganized, there is enough data to show the experiment was conductedResults are disorganized or poorly recorded, do not make sense ; not enough data was taken to justify resultsdata
Conclusions1. Summarizes data used to draw conclusions
2. Conclusions follow data (not wild guesses or leaps of logic),
3. Discusses applications or real world connections
4. Hypothesis is rejected or accepted based on the data.
3 of 4 of the "excellent" conditions is met2 of the 4 excellent conditions met1 of the 4 excellent conditions met
Format and Lab ProtocolsLab report submitted as directed, and on time. Directions were followed, stations were cleaned. All safety protocols followed.Most of the excellent conditions were met; possible minor errors in format or proceduresSome of the excellent conditions met, directions were not explicitly followed, lab stations may have been left unclean or group not practicing good safety (such as not wearing goggles)Student did not follow directions, practiced unsafe procedures, goofed around in the lab, left a mess or equipment lostmicroscope
Total (out of 20 )

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