Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Environmental Legislation




1. What is the date of the first Earth day, include the year. 
2. What famous person has the same birthday?
3.  What is the name of the book that started the Environmental Movement?
4. Who wrote the book that started the Environmental Movement?
5. What was that book about?

into their proper place in the diagram.

This Bill passes through Congress in both Chambers.
Someone has an idea for a solution or improvement.
This idea is written into a Bill.
Debate ensues.
This Bill passes through relevant Congressional committees in both Chambers.
Someone notices the problem.
This idea is communicated to a legislator.
Negotiations occur.
This Bill goes to the President’s desk. If s/he signs it, it becomes a law.
Problem exists.
This Bill is introduced into Congress in both Chambers.

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