Thursday, September 25, 2014

Vocabulary bingo

Earn extra credit playing vocabulary bingo
Fill in the blanks with the words of your choice!!!

Find the words as the definitions are read. Use the dry erase markers to mark them. 

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Test Review

Finish notes on the biosphere. 

Using the diagram of the water cycle pictured on page 73 in your textbook, write an essay analyzing how the water cycle moves water from the atmosphere, hydrosphere, geosphere, and biosphere. Underline all key terms used. 

The structure of an analytical essay should:

  • Start with a thesis statement. 
  • Elaborate and support the thesis.
  • Choose and use terms appropriately.
  • End with a concluding summary statement.

Today during class, you will organize all notes from the three chapters. 

You will check your notes against the answers posted on the blogspot, and make corrections in red pen. 

You will make sure you have completed all quizzes, and have the correct answers.

Today was the deadline for all late quizzes and notes. If you are still missing some of these assignments, you will need to visit with me in tutorials for an alternative assignment.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Life in the Biosphere


Understanding Ocean Currents

After watching the video, answer the "What Do You Think?" on page 83. 

Finishing the notes for Section 3.3
 "When an organism in the biosphere dies, its body is broken down and the matter in its body becomes available to other organisms...In a closed system, energy enters and leaves the system, but matter does not." page 81, Texas Environmental Science

Use the diagram below to write an analytical essay explaining how carbon is cycled from the atmosphere, hydrosphere, and geosphere to the biosphere where living organisms use carbon for energy production.

Your goal is to write an analytic essay that earns three of four points on the STAAR Analytic Writing essay.


Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Virtual Tectonic Plates Activity

Virtual Tectonic Plates Activity <------click it

Link to your textbook:

if you don't have a password use:
    Username: yyp2u
    password: f5y2n

Monday, September 15, 2014


Monday, September 15
Checking for chapter 3 section 1 Cornell notes

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Three weeks test and other business

Picture of me speaking at my closing reception 

Jose Barbosa writes one smoking hotline report! 

Polystyrene presentations are due tomorrow. 

This is the rubric for your presentation. 

Chapter 3 section 1 page 66 is due on Monday. If you need a textbook you have to check it out after school in tutoring. 

Don't forget to summarize your Cornell notes, you cannot make 100 without summarizing your Cornell notes. 

You can earn extra credit but underlining the key terms that you use in your summary. one point for every key term used

Review vocabulary from chapter 1 and chapter 2 for the three weeks test

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Sept 9 Chapter 2 test review


Answer Key
Matching          Multiple Choice
   1.  e                                   6.  c
   2.  c                                   7.  c
   3.  a                                  8.  a
   4.  d                                  9.  d
   5.  b                                10.  a

Section 1: Scientific Methods
In the space provided, write the letter of the description that best matches the term or phrase.
Text Box:  a. logical statement about what will happen
 b. information gathered in an experiment
 c. testable explanation for an observation
 d. procedure used to test a hypothesis
 e. information gathered by using the senses
_____   1. observation
_____   2. hypothesis
_____   3. prediction
_____   4. experiment
_____   5. data
In the space provided, write the letter of the term or phrase that best completes each statement or best answers each question.
_____   6. One important scientific habit of mind is the ability to conceive of new ideas, called
a.  intellectual honesty.                   c.  imagination.
b.  curiosity.                                      d.  skepticism.
_____   7. Which of the following is not a habit of mind of a good scientist?
a.  Skepticism
b.  Creativity
c.  intellectual predictability
d.  openness to new ideas
_____   8. By examining___________, scientists can test predictions for situations in which it is impossible or unethical to use experiments.
a.  correlations                                  c.  control groups
b.  observations                                d.  variables
_____   9. In an experiment, the factor of interest is called the
a.  control group.                              c.  hypothesis.
b.  experimental group.                    d.  variable.
_____ 10. The group that does not receive the experimental treatment in an experiment is the
a.  control group.                              c.  data.
b.  experimental group.                    d.  variable.


Answer Key
Matching          Multiple Choice
   1.  c                                   5.  b
   2.  b                                  6.  b
   3.  d                                  7.  b
   4.  a                                  8.  d
                                             9.  c
                                          10.  a

Section 2: Statistics and Models
In the space provided, write the letter of the description that best matches the term or phrase.
Text Box:  a. a flow chart 
 b. includes maps and charts
 c. three-dimensional representation you cantouch
 d. equation representing how a process works 
_____   1. physical model
_____   2. graphical model
_____   3. mathematical model
_____   4. conceptual model
Choose the best response. Write the letter of that choice in the space provided.
_____   5. Scientists use statistics to
a.  graph data.                                    c. communicate ideas to each other.
b.  analyze data.                                d.  All of the above
_____   6. To get an accurate result, a sample size must be
a.  small enough to give an accurate estimate for two or more populations.
b.  large enough to give an accurate estimate for a whole population.
c.  equal to the mean.
d.  greater than the mean.
_____   7. When studying a system, a conceptual model can help scientists understand
a.  what components a system contains.
b.  how the system components affect each other.
c.  Both (a) and (b)
d.  None of the above
_____   8. Which model is particularly useful in scientific cases with many variables?
a.  physical                                        c.  conceptual
b.  graphical                                       d.  mathematical
_____   9. Risk is
a.  the collection of numerical data.
b.  the probability that something wanted will happen.
c.  the probability that something unwanted will happen.
d.  a group of similar things of interest to a scientist.
_____ 10. The classification and collection of data that are in the form of numbers is called
a.  statistics.                                       c.  distribution.
b.  probability.                                  d.  mean.


Answer Key
Matching          Multiple Choice
   1.  d                                  6.  c
   2.  e                                   7.  a
   3.  a                                  8.  d
   4.  b                                  9.  b
   5.  c                                10.  b

Section 3: Making Informed Decisions
Text Box: a. the protection of natural resources
b. human leisure activities
c. what is right or wrong
d. the maintenance of human communities, their values, and their traditions
e. the accumulation, sharing of knowledge
Match each value with its definition. Write the letter corresponding to the correct answer in the space provided.
_____   1. social/cultural value
_____   2. educational value
_____   3. environmental value
_____   4. recreational value
_____   5. ethical/moral value
Write the letter of the description that best matches the term or phrase.
_____   6. When making an environmental decision, listing positive and negative long- and short-term consequences can help you to
a.  predict risks involved.                c.  weigh your values.
b.  make observations.                     d.  collect data for a graph.
_____   7. Principles or standards we consider important are known as
a.  values.                                           c.  morals.
b.  models.                                         d.  data.
_____   8. The decision-making model
a.  provides a systematic process.  c.  helps you make decisions.
b.  is a conceptual model.                d.  All of the above
_____   9. Which environmental decision-making model is in the correct order?
a.  Make a decision. Gather information. Consider values. Explore consequences.
b.  Gather information. Consider values. Explore consequences. Make a decision.
c.  Consider values. Explore consequences. Make a decision. Gather information.
d.  Explore consequences. Make a decision. Gather information. Consider values.
_____ 10. Which step in the environmental decision-making model should include reading newspapers and listening to well-informed people on all sides of an issue?
a.  evaluating all the information   c.  considering values
b.  gathering information                 d.  exploring consequences