Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Test Review

Finish notes on the biosphere. 

Using the diagram of the water cycle pictured on page 73 in your textbook, write an essay analyzing how the water cycle moves water from the atmosphere, hydrosphere, geosphere, and biosphere. Underline all key terms used. 

The structure of an analytical essay should:

  • Start with a thesis statement. 
  • Elaborate and support the thesis.
  • Choose and use terms appropriately.
  • End with a concluding summary statement.

Today during class, you will organize all notes from the three chapters. 

You will check your notes against the answers posted on the blogspot, and make corrections in red pen. 

You will make sure you have completed all quizzes, and have the correct answers.

Today was the deadline for all late quizzes and notes. If you are still missing some of these assignments, you will need to visit with me in tutorials for an alternative assignment.

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