Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Evolution 10.2.2014

Run this show! Make me proud!

Notes and Clipboard Crew get full credit for the quiz. 

Clipboard crew put a check on the grade sheet if they have the assignment.

Press Ctrl+ to enlarge the font!!!

Section 2: Evolution
In the space provided, write the letter of the term or phrase that best matches the description.
_____   1. Humans breed corn with specific characteristics.           a. natural
_____   2. Genetic characteristics of a population of deer change.  b. artificial
_____   3. Insects eating crops are not killed by insecticide.            c. evolution
_____   4. Thick fur keeps deer warm in cold environments.          d. adaptation
_____   5. More deer with thick fur survive.                                   e. resistance
In the space provided, write the letter of the term or phrase that best completes each statement or best answers each question.
_____   6. Organisms can adapt
a.  to their physical surroundings.   c.  to selective breeding.
b.  to other organisms.                     d.  Both a and b

_____   7. The process of two species changing genetically in response to long-term interactions with each other is
a.  artificial selection.                      c.  selective breeding.
b.  coevolution.                                 d.  resistance.

_____   8. For evolution to occur in a population, individuals with a trait that is “naturally selected for” must
a.  live a long time.                           c.  reproduce.
b.  leave the area.                              d.  coevolve.

_____   9. An organism is resistant to a chemical if it
a.  has a gene that enables it to break down the chemical.
b.  has been exposed to a small amount of the chemical over time.
c.  was not in the area where the chemical was applied.
d.  did not eat anything with the chemical on it.

_____ 10. Some organisms are more likely to survive because they
a.  have certain physical traits.       c.  have certain behaviors.
b.  lack certain physical traits.       d.  All of the above


Remember to underline and highlight. 

Don't forget your DOL: Summarize the Cornell Notes. 

Clipboarders check for summary and grade the quizzes. 

Add   +  to the check if they have a summary. 

Give them check if they did notes and summary during class.

You have the key to the quiz. Be brutal.

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