Thursday, October 29, 2015


Dia De Los Muertos: Due Monday, November 2

Create an offrenda for the Environmental Scientist of your choice. Groups of four, no two environmentalists alike. Sign up on the window in the hall. 

Here's some information about ofrenda's:

Ofrenda y Dia de los muertos Rubric

Las ofrendas del día de los muertos

As a class project, we will be creating ofrendas (or special remembrance tables) to venerate environmentalists, naturalists, and environmental scientist. This list includes KEY policy makers, and citizen scientists.
The Mexican tradition of creating ofrendas during the Day of the Dead is an ancient tradition of honoring, remembering, and celebrating the lives of those who have passed away. The creators customarily use a variety of objects and their own creativity to create a display that would attract and please the spirit of the loved one and bring back fond, pleasant memories for those that are celebrating. In Mexico, as in the Unites States, death is a painful, stressful time. The Day of the Dead, which is celebrated October 31st –November 2nd, is a way to temporarily put away the sadness that comes with death and truly rejoice in the memory of the deceased.
In creating our ofrendas, it is our purpose to create something that reflects the positive attributes of this traditional celebration and the people we choose to honor for the enrichment of our cultural understanding of the Mexican community. It is our goal to learn about the traditional elements of these ofrendas and to recreate the celebration as a way of experiencing authentic Mexican culture. It is not our purpose to define or celebrate any individual religion or belief, nor is it a means to glorify death.

Students may and/or should use the following in addition to traditional items:

  • 3 different levels
  •  cloth, lace
Remember to consult your notes over the traditional elements when planning!food, drinks
· flowers or plants (live or fake - especially marigolds)
· herbs (especially sage) and salt
· “papel picado”
· skeleton artwork, papier-machés, etc. (we will make calaberas)
· handmade signs, crafts, cards, etc.
· artwork (drawings, paintings, sculptures - original or famous)
· stories, poems, or letters
· photographs
· personal items (such as albums, clothing, books, etc.)
· music
· candles, incense and or lights

Día de los muertos will take place at the school, and the table or boxes used should be covered with cloth. Self-contained ofrendas will be easiest for clean up.

Set up times for your ofrenda:
Wednesday October 30th during class.
Ofrendas must be on display by 4:16 on Wednesday Oct.30th.
All ofrendas must be broken down and/or collected 6:00 pm Wednesday, Oct. 30th. Any left after six will be discarded.
Ofrenda rubric

In order to get a perfect score you must follow all directions. The ofrenda must be creative, original and neat. It should reflect the tastes of the person who it is honoring and show an understanding of this Mexican tradition by including at least ten traditional items.
The ofrenda contains:

1. At least ten cultural items (List to be attached to your ofrenda)
2. At least 5 personal items unique to the individual being honored (List to be attached)
3. At least three levels
4. An arch
5. Two paragraphs telling visitors why you choose to honor this person. Includes major contributions to Environmental Science.

6. Papel Picado
7. Dead Bread (pan de muerto)

An additional 20 points for: 
Set up and clean up: 5 points
Professional tours:15 points

Master=4 points
Apprentice=3 points
Novice=2 points
Untrained=1 point
Student can describe the intent and plan of complete ofrenda and how his/her part will contribute to the whole. Works with team to come up with general plan of what will be done before beginning.
Student has carefully planned his/her part of the ofrenda and can describe how s/he will get the work done and a vision for his/her part. Gets team input on plan for his/her contribution before beginning.
Student has planned his/her part of the ofrendal and can describe how s/he will get the work done and a vision for his/her part. Does not solicit much group input when making plan.
Leaps into action without any evidence of planning or focus.

Thematic Accuracy
The group\'s ofrenda fits the theme of the assignment and all of the team\'s items are accurately placed on the background. Example: Student has drawn a dwarf palm and has placed it in the understory layer in a rainforest mural.
The group\'s ofrenda fits the theme of the assignment and most of the team\'s items are accurately placed on the background.
The group\'s ofrenda fits the theme of the assignment.
The group\'s ofrendal does not fit the theme of the assignment.

The team\'s portion of the ofrenda has been crafted with great care. The lines are sharp, colors clear, cutting crisp, and text aligned. No smudges, drips, tears or erasures are seen.
The team\'s portion of the ofrendal has been crafted with some care. Most lines are sharp, colors clear, cutting crisp, and text aligned. Smudges, drips, tears or erasures are few and do not detract.
The team\'s portion of the ofrenda has been completed, but it appears a little messy. Smudges, drips, tears or erasures detract from the overall appearance.
The team\'s portion of the ofrenda looks hastily thrown together or like it was wadded up in a desk. The mural seems quite messy.

Knowledge About Ofrenda
Student can accurately answer 5 questions from any of the following categories: a) purpose and use of ofrendas; b) the person being honored ; c) the person\'s contribution to the environment d) techniques for making a communal ofrenda.
Student can accurately answer 3-4 questions from any of the following categories: a) purpose and use of ofrendas; b) the person being honored ; c) the person\'s contribution to the environment d) techniques for making a communal ofrenda.
Student can accurately answer 1-2 questions from any of the following categories: a) purpose and use of ofrenda; b) the person being honored ; c) the person\'s contribution to the environment d) techniques for making a communal ofrenda.
Student cannot accurately answer 1 question from any of the following categories: a) purpose and use of ofrendas; b) the person being honored ; c) the person\'s contribution to the environment d) techniques for making a communal ofrenda.

Collaboration and Teamwork
The group worked well together with all members contributing significant amounts of quality work. All group members partiicpated in discussion and actively listened to others.
The group generally worked well together with all members contributing some quality work. All group members partiicpated in discussion and actively listened to others.
The group worked fairly well together with all members contributing some work. Most group members partiicpated in discussion and actively listened to others.
The mural appeared to be the work of only 1-2 students in the group AND/OR there was little discussion, working together or active listening.

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