Monday, May 12, 2014

Your Final Exam


Here's the list of Senior Gift Projects:

Period 1 -- cafeteria seating redesign

Period 3 -- Edible garden

Period 4 -- Recycled Sculpture

Period 5 -- Patio Greening

Period 6 -- Trash Can Project

Period 7 -- Senior area with mosaic table

Period 8 -- Cafeteria Meal Improvement Plan

Please be aware that you are sitting for your final exam everyday in this class. I will use the time management rubric to assign grades daily. Your final exam will be an average of those daily grades.

If you are failing, you need to come to tutoring and make up assignments.


* Clean out your folder. The only thing in there will be your notes about the project, and any assessment rubrics.
*  Each day you will set goals for the next. I will assess you based on how well you accomplish those goals.
* Good luck! Time management, deadlines, and project completion are skills you need for the real world. Make sure you get the most out of this opportunity.

Time Management Rubric


4-Exceeds Expectations
3-Meets Expectations
2-Approaching Expectations
1-Below Expectations
Conceptualizes task on own and plans appropriate sequenced process for completion without assistance.
Conceptualizes task with help and plans appropriate sequenced process for completion with help.
Makes plans but does not always follow it. Attempts to develop appropriate process for completion.
Does not make plan or develop appropriate process for completion.
Maintains planner by self. Keeps papers well organized with efficiency.
Maintains planner with assistance. Keeps papers adequately organized.
Maintains planner. Keeps papers.
Poorly maintains planner and papers are not organized.
Work Habits
Stays on task as evidenced by academic excellence. Avoids procrastination.
Stays on task as evidenced by academic excellence. Avoids procrastination.
Needs help staying on task and maintaining academic excellence. Attempts to avoid procrastination.
Does not stay on task or maintain academic excellence. Procrastinates.
Maintains 90% attendance or better.
Maintains 90% attendance or better.
Maintains 80-89% attendance or better.
Does not maintain appropriate attendance.
Meets deadlines 90% of the time or better.
Meets deadlines 90% of the time or better.
Meets deadlines 80-89% of the time or better.
Does not meet appropriate deadlines.


Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Senior Gift Project


What is sustainable living?

Today, you will write a proposal for your Senior Gift project.

Project Proposal Template

Your project needs to:
  • to be here for future generations
  • be a source of pride
  • solve a problem or make an improvement to the campus
You must decide if this will be a "Green" project. Before the end of class you will email a proposal. Your proposal needs to include an explanation for why you did or didn't GO GREEN.

email proposals to:

The five best proposals will get five teams. The five teams will present on Monday, and the class will vote for the best. This will be the senior gift project for your class.

Good proposals include:

*supplies or resources needed
*visual as well as clear description.

I will be taking grades on the fly. Presentation grades and time management grades will be averaged for your final ACP grade. If at any point it looks as though you are in danger of failing, I will take you off the project and make another assignment. Anyone taken off the project for any reason will complete a TEACHER MADE FINAL.

Time Management Rubric


4-Exceeds Expectations
3-Meets Expectations
2-Approaching Expectations
1-Below Expectations
Conceptualizes task on own and plans appropriate sequenced process for completion without assistance.
Conceptualizes task with help and plans appropriate sequenced process for completion with help.
Makes plans but does not always follow it. Attempts to develop appropriate process for completion.
Does not make plan or develop appropriate process for completion.
Maintains planner by self. Keeps papers well organized with efficiency.
Maintains planner with assistance. Keeps papers adequately organized.
Maintains planner. Keeps papers.
Poorly maintains planner and papers are not organized.
Work Habits
Stays on task as evidenced by academic excellence. Avoids procrastination.
Stays on task as evidenced by academic excellence. Avoids procrastination.
Needs help staying on task and maintaining academic excellence. Attempts to avoid procrastination.
Does not stay on task or maintain academic excellence. Procrastinates.
Maintains 90% attendance or better.
Maintains 90% attendance or better.
Maintains 80-89% attendance or better.
Does not maintain appropriate attendance.
Meets deadlines 90% of the time or better.
Meets deadlines 90% of the time or better.
Meets deadlines 80-89% of the time or better.
Does not meet appropriate deadlines.



Friday, May 2, 2014

Protocols, and Treaties Quiz


1. Kyoto Protocol, 1997

2. U.N. Convention to Combat Desertification, 1994

3. Convention on Transboundary Effects of Industrial Accidents, 1992

4. U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change, 1992

5. Convention on Biological Diversity, 1992

6. Basel Convention, 1989
a. Three main goals: conservation of biological diversity, sustainable use of plant and animal species, and equitable sharing of benefits from the use of genetic resources
b.  Overall framework for intergovernmental efforts to meet the challenge of climate change
c.  signatories commit to reducing their emissions of six greenhouse gases, or engage in emissions trading if they maintain or increase emissions of these gases, which are linked to global warming.
d. The world’s most comprehensive pact on hazardous wastes.
e. Aims to protect human health and the environment from industrial accidents by preventing them to the extent possible
f.  Recommended an integrated approach that promoted sustainable development at the community level to combat advancing deserts.

7. Montreal Protocol, 1987

8. Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution, 1979

9. CITES, 1973

10. MARPOL, 1973

11. The Ramsar Convention, 1971

12. Convention for the Prevention of Pollution of the Sea by Oil, 1962
G.     Seeking to prevent ocean pollution by oil discharged from ships, this pact limits discharges of oil-contaminated wastes.
H.    one of the earliest international agreements addressing the plight of endangered species
I.     provides the framework for national action and international cooperation for the conservation and wise use of wetlands
J.    A major international pact to prevent pollution of the marine environment, from operational or accidental causes, by ships; oil-contaminated as wells as garbage and sewage.
K.    calls for phasing out production and consumption of compounds that deplete ozone in the stratosphere -- chlorofluorocarbons, halons, carbon tetrachloride and methyl chloroform.
 L. This agreement encourages scientific collaboration and policy negotiation to target air pollution that spreads from its source across international boundaries into the atmosphere.