Monday, May 12, 2014

Your Final Exam


Here's the list of Senior Gift Projects:

Period 1 -- cafeteria seating redesign

Period 3 -- Edible garden

Period 4 -- Recycled Sculpture

Period 5 -- Patio Greening

Period 6 -- Trash Can Project

Period 7 -- Senior area with mosaic table

Period 8 -- Cafeteria Meal Improvement Plan

Please be aware that you are sitting for your final exam everyday in this class. I will use the time management rubric to assign grades daily. Your final exam will be an average of those daily grades.

If you are failing, you need to come to tutoring and make up assignments.


* Clean out your folder. The only thing in there will be your notes about the project, and any assessment rubrics.
*  Each day you will set goals for the next. I will assess you based on how well you accomplish those goals.
* Good luck! Time management, deadlines, and project completion are skills you need for the real world. Make sure you get the most out of this opportunity.

Time Management Rubric


4-Exceeds Expectations
3-Meets Expectations
2-Approaching Expectations
1-Below Expectations
Conceptualizes task on own and plans appropriate sequenced process for completion without assistance.
Conceptualizes task with help and plans appropriate sequenced process for completion with help.
Makes plans but does not always follow it. Attempts to develop appropriate process for completion.
Does not make plan or develop appropriate process for completion.
Maintains planner by self. Keeps papers well organized with efficiency.
Maintains planner with assistance. Keeps papers adequately organized.
Maintains planner. Keeps papers.
Poorly maintains planner and papers are not organized.
Work Habits
Stays on task as evidenced by academic excellence. Avoids procrastination.
Stays on task as evidenced by academic excellence. Avoids procrastination.
Needs help staying on task and maintaining academic excellence. Attempts to avoid procrastination.
Does not stay on task or maintain academic excellence. Procrastinates.
Maintains 90% attendance or better.
Maintains 90% attendance or better.
Maintains 80-89% attendance or better.
Does not maintain appropriate attendance.
Meets deadlines 90% of the time or better.
Meets deadlines 90% of the time or better.
Meets deadlines 80-89% of the time or better.
Does not meet appropriate deadlines.


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