Thursday, April 2, 2015

Net-zero Tiny House Project

You will design a Net-Zero Tiny House which generates it's own electricity through renewable energy. 

Groups of 4 - 25 point deduction for every extra person.

 Your design plan should include:

1. Scale drawings or model with dimensions.   50 pts
2. Energy specifications for all appliances 50 pts
3. Energy generation capacity for alternative energy source (must meet the demands of your appliances) 50 pts
4. Cost estimates for tiny house project (not to exceed $100,000 USD) 50 pts
5. Prezi or Powerpoint 25 pts
6. Two minute presentation of plans 25 pts.
     Presentation includes:
                 Pictures of your drawing/model which include scale.
                 List of appliances with energy specifications.
                 Renewable energy generation capacity (How much energy can you produce?)
                 Budget (under $100,000)
Presentation Rubric

 Student’s name:____________________________________

Senior Project


Directions:  To evaluate this project, check one number for each criterion. Then, average your checks to determine an overall rating of “Outstanding,” “Pass” or “Needs Improvement.”  When deciding between two grades, choose the one with the majority of checks.  Circle your overall rating.



Outstanding (3 points each)

1.      Exceptional knowledge/mastery of subject demonstrated by the effective integration of numerous details and examples from research and experience.
2.      Effective integration of visual aids to illustrate the successful completion of ALL objectives.
3.      Elaborates on each objective enthusiastically and in detail.
4.      Well organized with effective transitions from point to point.
5.      Polished and confident delivery: appropriate volume, clear articulation, and solid eye contact.
6.      All questions from panel clearly answered with specific information.
7.      Professional dress and demeanor.

Pass (2 points each)

1.      Adequate knowledge/mastery of subject demonstrated by the inclusion of many details and examples from research and experience but with limited explanation.
2.      Visual aids helped the speaker demonstrate the completion of MOST objectives.
3.      Communicates completion of each objective clearly
4.      Logically organized.
5.      Satisfactory delivery: volume, articulation, and eye contact passable.
6.      Most questions from the panel answered clearly.
7.      Acceptable dress and/or demeanor.


(1 point each)
1.      Minimal knowledge/mastery of subject – the lack of details and examples indicates not much was learned through research and experience.
2.      Visual aids used by the speaker provided inadequate evidence that the objectives were successfully completed.
3.      Did not clearly explain completion of each objective.
4.      Poorly organized.
5.      Unsatisfactory delivery: volume, articulation, and eye contact need significant improvement.
6.      Questions from the panel not clearly answered.
7.      Inappropriate dress and/or demeanor.



Use Prezi to create a presentation of your plans. Be ready to share on the 16th. 


4.2 - initial research due
1. What is the "Tiny House" movement? How do tiny houses address the issue of nonrenewable energy use?
2. What are some key features of "Net-zero" buildings?
3. List the appliances which you think are essential for your Tiny House. Research and find out how much energy each appliance requires in KWH. (Click her for a website to help you figure it out).
4. Which renewable energy source do you think will meet your needs? Use Chapter 18 to help you figure this out.

4.13 - drawings/model due
4.14-4.15 computer lab/library work on presentations.
4.16 - presentation

Extra Credit Points awarded for:

Tiny House on the smallest budget - 25 points
Best Design with the smallest footprint (smallest size) - 25 points
Best Presentation - 25 points
Best Model/Drawings - 25 points
Tiny house model lights up from renewable energy - 50 points
MLA formatted citations -25 points (

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