Monday, January 11, 2016

Chapter 15 World Hunger

Turn in Active Reading 15.1

To build your skills with online resources, we will use the computers today to complete our presentations and Cornell Notes.

Set up a computer with your group presentation. Go through the presentation and estimate your score for this presentation based on the rubric. Put that on a sticky note, with your names, and put it in the IN BOX.

One member will rotate to another group and use the rubric to evaluate their presentation. Others will stay, and present to the visiting group member. Visitors will score your presentation with the rubric and put the rubric in the IN BOX.

Click here for Chapter 15 Section 1 powerpoint presentation 

Use the Powerpoint, and your online text to complete the Cornell notes for Section 1. Write the notes on the back of your quiz. The questions are on page 383. <----click here and log in

Login: sstudent5756
password: t3k2j 

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