Monday, January 4, 2016

Land Use Models


Happy New Year!

Have you heard about this?

For the next three days we will work in groups to create a simulated land-use model.

You will find this activity in the textbook on pages 376-377.

if you need a login for the text you can use:
Login: sstudent5756

password: t3k2j  

Wednesday you will:
Complete the procedures 1-7. Make notes on procedures 5, 6, & 7. You will need to complete the analysis, conclusion, and extension in your presentation. I will check your drawings and notes for today's daily grade.

Thursday you will:
Take a picture and create a Prezi  about your plan. Each team member must explain their role in creating this land-use model. 

You will answer all Analysis, Conclusion, and Extension in the Prezi. 

Make sure that everyone has access to the Prezi. 

While two people set up the Prezi, two other members will work together to read about, and lead the group discussion about the Oregon Militia story for the EXTENSION.

Here's a link to the story:

I will check progress on the presentation for today's daily grade.

Friday you will present:
Presentations are project grades
Must include a section with your drawing.

 Click here for the presentation rubric I will use in grading

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