Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Population -- More practice problems. Age Structure Diagrams, and demography.


Namibia is just about the only place on earth to have gotten conservation right for rhinos and, incidentally, a lot of other wildlife. Over the past 20 years, it has methodically repopulated one area after another as its rhino population has steadily increased. As a result, it is now home to 1,750 of the roughly 5,000 black rhinos surviving in the wild. (The worldwide population of Africa’s two rhino species, black and the more numerous white, plus three species in Asia, is about 28,000.) In neighboring South Africa, government officials stood by haplessly as poachers slaughtered almost a thousand rhinos last year alone. Namibia lost just two.

From NYTimes article: "A Trophy Hunt That’s Good for Rhinos", January 20, 2014.

Calculate the population growth rate, given 200 births, 120 deaths, 10 immigrants, and 5 emigrant Rhinos. What rate of growth is exhibited? What is the doubling time for this population.

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