Friday, January 31, 2014

Social Impacts

Friday's DOL Quiz:

1. Populations that have reached
carrying capacity usually have —

A. a J­-shaped growth curve
B. an S-­shaped growth curve
C. increasing population size
D. linear growth

2. The human population has grown
from .5 billion in 1650 to 7 billion by
the end of 2011. What population
growth model BEST represents the
graph shown here?

A Exponential Growth Model
B Logistic Growth Model
C Predator/Prey Cycle
D Declining Population Mode

3. Scientists write computer programs
to model populations of organisms
within ecosystems. By combining
these systems with geographic
information software, very accurate
predictions can be made. Which of
the following is a valid reason to use
computer systems to study
population dynamics in this manner?

A. There are no effective methods
to estimate population numbers
without using a computer.

B. Computer modeling could be
limited by the amount of data
available for the study.

C. By changing initial numbers of
individuals and survival rates,
these programs can simulate
what will happen to members of
the ecosystem in the future.

D. Computer modeling eliminates
the need for mathematical skills
and knowledge of the

4. Which age structure diagram represents a country in an early demographic transition?
5. Which age structure diagram represents a country in a late demographic transition?

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